saying 的正確用法非常地簡單,那就是作引述別人說過的話,例如古聖先或他人或自己)所說過的話。
I was saying that I don't like smoking since it is a bad habit.
Dr Sun Yat-Sen was saying that "Revolution has not been successful yet and comrades still have to work hard."
附上正確定義下的 saying 之用法的連結。
The definition of a saying is something that has been said, like a motto or catch phrase.
An example of a saying is this quote by John F. Kennedy "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
Saying means telling.
An example of saying is telling someone what happened yesterday.
總之,saying 是在複述之前的事情,而菜英文卻把它張冠李戴,這是根本不能犯的語法錯誤。菜,自己並未在之前說過,哪裡來的用 saying 的時機;拜託﹗