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2005-03-14, 04:11 PM | #1 |
有其他的方法可以找回密碼嗎? 小弟目前是使用記憶密碼上網的 可是新的電腦要設定上網時卻忘了密碼(謎之聲:豬頭!睡個覺什麼都忘了) 原本的電腦是xp專業版的 密碼那欄是「空白」不是「*******」 所以小兔兔也解不開 有沒有大大有方法啊??? 要中華改有點慢咧>.< |
送花文章: 74,
2005-03-14, 07:53 PM | #4 (permalink) |
__________________ 金錢的數量,決定馬子的漂亮 硬碟的容量,決定男人的力量 製作Mail Logo按這裡 |
送花文章: 257,
2005-03-20, 04:31 PM | #6 (permalink) |
再此向各位推薦一套軟體(雖然是英文的但是功能超強的,可以找出你電腦內所有的密碼) 以下是官網的連結跟介紹: Cain v2.5 beta33 (密碼破解) http://www.oxid.it/cain.htm CAIN FEATURES: - Protected Storage Password Manager - LSA Secrets Dumper - Users, Groups, Shares and Services Enumeration - SID Scanner - Local/Remote Service Manager - APR (ARP Poison Routing) ENABLES SNIFFING on switched networks. (more info in the topics area) - Sniffer filters for HTTP-BASIC, HTTP-FORM, HTTP-COOKIE, HTTP-NTLMv1, HTTP-NTLMv2, HTTP-NTLMSSP, POP3, IMAP, FTP, VNC, HSRP, SMTP, NNTP, TDS (Sybase and MS-SQL), MS-Kerberos5 Pre-Auth, VRRP, RIPv2, OSPF, SMB (ClearText, NTLMv1, NTLMv2), NTLMSSP (NTLMv1, NTLMv2), RADIUS, ICQ and MSN Messenger authentications - HSRP, VRRP, RIPv1, RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF Monitors - Full Telnet sessions sniffer - Full SSH-1 sessions sniffer for APR (FULL-DUPLEX, stealth, supports DES, 3DES, Blowfish symmetric encryption algorithms, auto-downgrade to SSH-1 if server version is v1.99) - Full HTTPS sessions sniffer for APR - Automatic HTTPS Certificates Collector - Auto IP-MAC Discovery - MAC Address Scanner with OUI fingerprint - Promiscuous-mode Scanner based on ARP packets - Access (9x/2000/XP) Database Passwords Decoder - Base64, Cisco type-7 and VNC Password Decoders - Password Crackers for common Hashes (MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1 and RIPEMD-160). - Password Crackers for specific authentications (PWL files, Cisco-IOS Type-5 enable passwords, Cisco PIX enable passwords, APOP-MD5, CRAM-MD5, NT HASHES & NTLMv1, NTLMv2, RIPv2-MD5, OSPF-MD5, VRRP-HMAC-96, VNC-3DES, MS-Kerberos5 Pre-Auth), MSN Messenger, RADIUS Shared Secrets). - NT Hash Dumper (works with Syskey enabled) - Box Revealer - RSA SecurID Token Calculator - Hash Calculator for common hashing algorithms - Cisco PIX password calculator - Route Table Manager - TCP/UDP Table Viewer - TCP/UDP/ICMP traceroute with DNS resolver and WHOIS client ABEL FEATURES: - Runs as a service - Remote Console - Remote Route Table Manager - Remote TCP/UDP Table Viewer - Remote Hash Dumper (works with Syskey enabled) - Remote LSA Secrets Dumper REQUIREMENTS: Cain & Abel uses the Packet Driver contained in the package WinPcap from Politecnico di Torino; please check the documentation on their site. |
送花文章: 74,
2005-03-20, 04:51 PM | #7 (permalink) |
Cain v2.5 beta46 for NT/2000/XP http://down.pc1997.com/5/oicq/2003/12/28/cain.exe Cain v2.66 http://www.oxid.it/downloads/ca_setup.exe |
__________________ CPU:AMD K8-4200 X2 MB:A8N-SLI Premium 顯示卡:青雲6600 512MB DDR2 128Bit / SLI/DVI/TV OUT RAM:創見 1GB X4 雙通道 HDD:SATA0:希捷400G/SATA/7200 8MB SATA1:WD 250GB*7200 SATA2:16MBIDE0:Maxtor250G/7200 8MB IDE1:HITACHI 250G/7200 8MB POWER:Enhance 400W 12CM FAN CDROM:LITON 52X DVDRW:PINEER DVR-A10XLA |
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