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2005-04-22, 08:25 AM | #1 |
而總是出現一則訊息 物件名稱:c:\windows\system32\ibm.dll 病毒名稱wsteal.lemir.gen 採取動作:無法修復這個檔案 |
送花文章: 69,
2005-04-22, 11:42 AM | #3 (permalink) |
所以應該是 PWSteal.Lemir.Gen http://securityresponse.symantec.com...lemir.gen.html 抱歉都是英文 大大要自己看了 |
__________________ 惡魔最愛櫻桃~~~ |
送花文章: 2495,
2005-04-22, 12:14 PM | #5 (permalink) |
您重的病毒因為世紀生在run32dll.dll內,所以刪除不掉~~ 解決辦法如下: 先移除諾頓,在安裝其他的防毒軟體,並更新最新的病毒碼~~ 在加安裝一套掃除spy的程式 之後進入安全模式掃毒 掃毒完後用現裝的防毒軟體製作dos掃毒程式,重新開機使用磁片掃毒就能殺乾淨了~~ 諾頓不好用,所以不建議使用~ |
__________________ CPU:AMD K8-4200 X2 MB:A8N-SLI Premium 顯示卡:青雲6600 512MB DDR2 128Bit / SLI/DVI/TV OUT RAM:創見 1GB X4 雙通道 HDD:SATA0:希捷400G/SATA/7200 8MB SATA1:WD 250GB*7200 SATA2:16MBIDE0:Maxtor250G/7200 8MB IDE1:HITACHI 250G/7200 8MB POWER:Enhance 400W 12CM FAN CDROM:LITON 52X DVDRW:PINEER DVR-A10XLA |
送花文章: 380,
2005-04-22, 12:17 PM | #6 (permalink) |
Removal: Easy(它說移除粉簡單喔)
1.Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP). 控制台-系統-系統還原-關 2.Update the virus definitions. 更新防毒軟體2005/4/20 3.Restart the computer in Safe mode or VGA mode. 電腦一開機,就一直點放F8這個按鍵,選第一個滴命令提示字元(後面空空滴) 4.Run a full system scan and delete all the files detected as PWSteal.Lemir.Gen. 完整滴掃毒,掃到砍死它 5.Delete any values that were added to the registry. 把機碼內,不好滴東東移除 先複製一份regedit Click Start > Run. 開始-執行-打上regedit-按enter,把不好滴東東移除 Type regedit Then click OK. Navigate to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Refer to the list of the infected files that you created while following the instructions in the previous section. In the right pane, look at the entries in the Name and Data columns. If you find an entry that refers to a file detected as infected, select the entry, press Delete, and then click Yes to confirm. On Windows 95/98/Me computers, navigate to and select the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices Refer to the list of the infected files that you created while following the instructions in the previous section. In the right pane, look at the entries in the Name and Data columns. If you find an entry that refers to a file detected as infected, select the entry, press Delete, and then click Yes to confirm. Exit the Registry Editor. 6.Clear the Temporary Internet Files folder, if required打開ie,工具-網際網路選項-刪除檔案 7.重開機 8.還不行 拿去給專業的工程師用也不錯,它給泥收1200,泥就給它2000(因為泥是老總材),並叫第第幫泥更新windows ,沒用好,就拿噴子嚇嚇它 |
送花文章: 5,