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有 63 位會員向 猜謎人 送花:
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2009-05-03, 07:44 PM | #22817 (permalink) |
此帖於 2009-05-03 07:46 PM 被 quasar 編輯. 原因: 找回 |
送花文章: 63581,
有 10 位會員向 quasar 送花:
cara551977 (2009-05-03),K22514 (2009-05-03),KL-iris (2009-05-06),leechaoming (2009-05-03),Living (2009-05-04),magicwoo (2009-05-04),qdenise (2009-05-03),rezard (2009-05-07),Tracy (2009-05-08),uplander (2009-05-03)
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2009-05-03, 08:37 PM | #22818 (permalink) |
再蓋一層… 結廬在人境,而無車馬喧。 問君何能爾,心遠地自偏。 采菊東籬下,悠然見南山。 山氣日夕佳,飛鳥相與還。 此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。 |
送花文章: 131246,
有 10 位會員向 qdenise 送花:
cara551977 (2009-05-03),K22514 (2009-05-03),KL-iris (2009-05-06),leechaoming (2009-05-03),Living (2009-05-04),magicwoo (2009-05-04),quasar (2009-05-04),rezard (2009-05-07),Tracy (2009-05-08),uplander (2009-05-03)
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2009-05-03, 11:24 PM | #22819 (permalink) |
I built my house near where others live.
Still there's no sound of wheels or voices. You'll ask me "How can that be?" When the mind is remote the place is distant. Cutting Chrysanthemums by the Eastern Hedge, I look out towards the Southern Hills. Mountain air is fine at end of day. The flights of birds make for home. In these things there is a hint of Truth, but trying to tell it there's no mind, no words. |
__________________ 一起守護台灣 謙遜─使凡人仿如天使 驕傲─使天使淪為魔鬼 |
送花文章: 126689,
2009-05-03, 11:54 PM | #22820 (permalink) |
還有卡拉翻譯機 |
送花文章: 78006,
有 9 位會員向 uplander 送花:
cara551977 (2009-05-04),KL-iris (2009-05-06),leechaoming (2009-05-03),Living (2009-05-04),magicwoo (2009-05-04),qdenise (2009-05-04),quasar (2009-05-04),rezard (2009-05-07),Tracy (2009-05-08)
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2009-05-07, 12:18 PM | #22823 (permalink) |
阿湯別真的跑去把姑姑樓又打撈起來呀 |
__________________ 經驗分享是學習的一種 請多珍惜這片學習的園地 史版啞甘部主任 |
送花文章: 52690,
有 5 位會員向 Living 送花:
cara551977 (2009-05-07),qdenise (2009-05-07),rezard (2009-05-07),tom710509 (2009-05-21),Tracy (2009-05-08)
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