四班二輪的英文正確翻譯是? 根據您的進一步解釋說,也就是上班2天然後,休息2天的輪班制度。對這,還不是很清楚,是否能再解釋得詳細一點?
不過,撇開您後續的解釋,就「四班二輪」的的字面意思,英文正確翻譯是,four shifts and two rotations. For example, day shift, afternoon shift and midnight shift a day(一日三班,日班、下午班和大夜班),所以,四班是否意味著一天24小時,以每六個小時來分一個班,對嗎?
而二輪,在以北美為例,它指的是在同班八小時裡,每隔一至二小時,輪換一次不同工作位置,以防止重複性工作所造成的肉體疲勞和職業性傷害。例如,In order to prevent professional fatigue and repetitious injury from working environment, all of the on-line production operators should carry out rotation every one or couple hours from spot to spot as required. Based on the health and welfare of labour, by law, it's mandatory. 這才是「輪」的定義。
或許您的意思亦可由「上班2天,然後休息2天的輪班制度」的字面敘述來直譯,那麼就應是︰ on and off every couple days.