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舊 2008-07-11, 03:40 AM   #1
中文化 作者
UID - 261912
在線等級: 級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時
註冊日期: 2007-02-07
文章: 438
精華: 0
現金: 10684 金幣
資產: 16404 金幣
Arrow 分享 - Sisulizer 2008 (Build 268) 企業版

■ 軟體說明:

∥版本資訊:2008 (Build 268)
∥檔案大小:23.2 MB (24,334,956 位元組)
∥存放空間:BDG、RS、ZS & XUN6
∥中 文 化:YoYo


■ 軟體簡介:

Sisulizer 跟 Heaven 兄翻譯的 Multilizer 軟體本地化工具相似;您只要三個步驟:掃瞄應用程式來源並定位好文字;使用 Sisulizer 的視覺化編輯工具翻譯;組建本地化目標,即可完成軟體本地化。


1. 只是迎合自己的使用習慣,無它;修正了一些翻譯;非修改自官方的繁體中文語言檔;翻譯謬誤處,請不吝指正,謝謝。

2. 基於使用者的選擇權利,在底下增加了官方的繁體中文語言檔載點,請自行挑選使用。

3. 軟體已綠化,所需的資料也內嵌在壓縮檔裡頭了,下載後解壓到任意位置,執行 [Sisulizer.exe] 即可;您可以在 [工具 -> 設定 -> 環境] 中,設定檔案關聯,其它細部選項,請自行配置。

4. 預覽圖中紅線圈選的 [翻譯狀態],在專案設定完畢載入後,會跟 [儲存的篩選規則] 欄位重疊,您可以忽略,或者按 [檢視] → [工作表篩選] → [另存新檔] 先儲存篩選規則接著再刪除,即會恢復正常,這是程式的問題。

5. 官方語言檔由 HULEN 兄製作,但由於本地化跟官方更新有時間差,因此 HULEN 兄的官方語言檔會有一些新增字串無法即時處理。

2008 build 268

------ Bug fixes ------

‧If you have specified custom properties, you gont "Class TStringLink for found" error when opening Silsulizer 1.6 project file.

2008 build 267

------ Bug fixes ------

‧Help | Check for Update caused an error.
‧WPF: Sometimes .xaml compilation into .baml failed.
‧Java: When localization .jar file a rescan marked all string as unused.
‧VCL.NET: After rescan resource strings were marked as unused.

2008 build 266

------ New features ------

‧Initial Sisulizer 2008 release

------ Bug fixes ------

‧Translation memory: Sisulizer could not use translation of Sisulizr 1.6 translation memory if they contained ! or - characters.
‧If you choosed View | Prev or Next Untranslated Row menu command and sheet was not visible you got an error.

2008 build 265

------ New features ------

‧Interactive spell checking.
‧Sisulizer can now show WPF form that belong to an assembly or project by clicking Run original or Run localized button on the form editor's tool bar. This helps you to check the exact visual appearance of the localized WPF form.
‧You can save different kind of filrets and seledt them later.
‧Each filter will be saved to history and you can go back and forward of it.

------ Bug fixes ------

‧Windows Forms: Scanning on assembly file using serializedc generic array raised an exception and Sisulizer could not scan that form data.
‧Taking a custom dictinary file in use that did not exist made Sisulizer to raise an exception.
↑更多資訊請按 [說明] → [顯示版本歷史] 查閱。

■ 擇一下載:





CENTURYS 網際論壇 中文化開發團隊
yoyo007 目前離線  
送花文章: 318, 收花文章: 331 篇, 收花: 1201 次
有 4 位會員向 yoyo007 送花:
HULEN (2008-07-11),mini (2008-07-12),sorl (2008-07-11),tmsyy (2008-07-11)
舊 2008-07-11, 02:55 PM   #2 (permalink)

UID - 274689
在線等級: 級別:3 | 在線時長:26小時 | 升級還需:6小時級別:3 | 在線時長:26小時 | 升級還需:6小時級別:3 | 在線時長:26小時 | 升級還需:6小時
註冊日期: 2007-07-31
文章: 63
精華: 0
現金: 112 金幣
資產: 132 金幣

HULEN 目前離線  
送花文章: 42, 收花文章: 44 篇, 收花: 118 次
向 HULEN 送花的會員:
sorl (2008-07-14)
舊 2008-07-14, 07:08 AM   #3 (permalink)
中文化 作者
UID - 261912
在線等級: 級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時
註冊日期: 2007-02-07
文章: 438
精華: 0
現金: 10684 金幣
資產: 16404 金幣

作者: HULEN 查看文章
2008 獨立了 [Click Help to get more information.] 這一句,因此一些底下有 [按 [說明] 以取得更多的資訊] 的翻譯要移除,否則會一起顯示。

yoyo007 目前離線  
送花文章: 318, 收花文章: 331 篇, 收花: 1201 次
向 yoyo007 送花的會員:
sorl (2008-07-14)
舊 2008-07-14, 10:43 AM   #4 (permalink)

UID - 274689
在線等級: 級別:3 | 在線時長:26小時 | 升級還需:6小時級別:3 | 在線時長:26小時 | 升級還需:6小時級別:3 | 在線時長:26小時 | 升級還需:6小時
註冊日期: 2007-07-31
文章: 63
精華: 0
現金: 112 金幣
資產: 132 金幣

作者: yoyo007 查看文章
2008 獨立了 [Click Help to get more information.] 這一句,因此一些底下有 [按 [說明] 以取得更多的資訊] 的翻譯要移除,否則會一起顯示。


H&idden columns:
Acce&pt wild chars
R&eplace with:
&Project file name (optional):
&DRC file name (recommended):
The package can either be a compressed project file or a setup application that installs Sisulizer Free Edition and the project file.
Free Edition setup and project file
Find Pane Properties
&Restore desktop
Spelling && Grammar
C&opy all files
Excluded Extensions
Select the database &table where you want to import from:
&Select the database that you want to import:
Co&mment encoding:
Import requires language pairs. PO files do not contain language pairs, but Sisulizer can use two PO files having the same msgids but strings in different languages to build the needed language pairs.
C&onnection string:
Server por&t:
Do Not Translate
Created by version:
Select the database that you want to localize.
&Structured data
 Data Structure Definition 
&First for All
&Use this translation for all similar translations
 Enter your &serial number 
Automatically activates IME by lan&guage
&Resource DLLs
&Embedded resource DLLs
Move &Up
Move &Down
Ignored &lines in the beginning of file:
 Language support 
Visual C++ Binary Source
Make sure that in the initialization section of your application you set the user interface culture to match the default culture.
Missing resource string for %0:s.%1:s
"%s" is ether a VCL or WIN32 project. Select a binary file (.exe or .dll) instead.
Include tags
Information tags
You must give the end comment characters.
Are you sure you want to remove the selected spell checker?
File Extension
Report file "%s" does not exist
Multilizer project files
TMX file
Unused row status. The sources do not any longer have this item
DRC file is out of date. Resource strings may be mixed.
All supported files
"An unexpected error occurred.
Please contact Sisulizer support."
Sisulizer can not convert this Multilizer project file.
"Some of the localized files do not exist or are out of date.
You should create them before opening the project into Sisulizer.
Click Help to get more information.
Click No to abort convertion.
Click Yes to proceed anyway."
Can not import: The original assembly file (%s) does not exists.
.NET %s framework tools not found. Make sure that .NET framework has been installed.
Because project does not contain any resources the satellite assembly file was not created.
Borland/CodeGear Developer Studio (.NET) project
Are you sure that you want to remove unnecessary translations?
Exclude Property...
Exclude Property '%s.%s'...
Exclude property %s.%s
Remove Empty Translations
Remove unnecessary translations
No more untranslated rows found. Probably because of filter settings.
%d translations has been removed.
Translate using translation engines
%0:d translations saved to "%1:s" translation memory.
- Binary file such as Visual C++, Delphi or C++Builder application or library
- Single HTML, HTML Help, XML, XLIFF, or source code file
- All TXT, PO or QT files in a directory
- Single TXT, INI, PO, QT or Java file
"No Delphi resource string file (.drc) is specified. It is recommended to specify the resource string file.
This does not prevent localization of ""%s"" file but Sisulizer can't get the complete resource string context without the resource string file.
To create a .drc file choose Project|Options|Linker from Delphi, check Detailed in the Map file radio group, and rebuild the application."
"%0:s" is not a valid %1:s serial number!
Special filters on!
Make sure that your application takes embedded resources in use at runtime.
Your are using a pirate serial number!
Detect encoding each time
You have to add at least two text items or one context and one text item.
This translation engine does not contain data at the moment
Validation List
Validation Summary
Visual Basic User-defined control files
Visual Basic Form files
Visual Basic Property page files
File "%s" is invalid. This file is likely damaged, packed or compressed.
File "%s" may be encrypted. Sisulizer can not localize encrypted files.
Visual C++ binary file
%s component has no name. It is recommended to give a name using either Name, x:Name or x:Uid attribute.
You current localization tool is badly maintained and supported? Time for a switch to Sisulizer. You will be surprised how easy and cheap a switch can be.
Includes most of the features and supports most platforms.
Click Next to start uninstalling Sisulizer
Click Finish to complete Uninstall.

此帖於 2008-07-14 10:54 AM 被 HULEN 編輯.
HULEN 目前離線  
送花文章: 42, 收花文章: 44 篇, 收花: 118 次
有 2 位會員向 HULEN 送花:
sorl (2008-07-14),yoyo007 (2008-07-15)
舊 2008-07-15, 11:12 PM   #5 (permalink)
中文化 作者
UID - 261912
在線等級: 級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時
註冊日期: 2007-02-07
文章: 438
精華: 0
現金: 10684 金幣
資產: 16404 金幣

作者: HULEN 查看文章

H&idden columns:
Acce&pt wild chars
R&eplace with:
&Project file name (optional):
&DRC file name (recommended):
The package can either be a compressed project file or a setup application that installs Sisulizer Free Edition and the project file.
Free Edition setup and project file
Find Pane Properties
&Restore desktop
Spelling && Grammar
C&opy all files
Excluded Extensions
Select the database &table where you want to import from:
&Select the database that you want to import:
Co&mment encoding:
Import requires language pairs. PO files do not contain language pairs, but Sisulizer can use two PO files having the same msgids but strings in different languages to build the needed language pairs.
C&onnection string:
Server por&t:
Do Not Translate
Created by version:
Select the database that you want to localize.
&Structured data
 Data Structure Definition 
&First for All
&Use this translation for all similar translations
 Enter your &serial number 
Automatically activates IME by lan&guage
&Resource DLLs
&Embedded resource DLLs
Move &Up
Move &Down
Ignored &lines in the beginning of file:
 Language support 
Visual C++ Binary Source
Make sure that in the initialization section of your application you set the user interface culture to match the default culture.
Missing resource string for %0:s.%1:s
"%s" is ether a VCL or WIN32 project. Select a binary file (.exe or .dll) instead.
Include tags
Information tags
You must give the end comment characters.
Are you sure you want to remove the selected spell checker?
File Extension
Report file "%s" does not exist
Multilizer project files
TMX file
Unused row status. The sources do not any longer have this item
DRC file is out of date. Resource strings may be mixed.
All supported files
"An unexpected error occurred.
Please contact Sisulizer support."
Sisulizer can not convert this Multilizer project file.
"Some of the localized files do not exist or are out of date.
You should create them before opening the project into Sisulizer.
Click Help to get more information.
Click No to abort convertion.
Click Yes to proceed anyway."
Can not import: The original assembly file (%s) does not exists.
.NET %s framework tools not found. Make sure that .NET framework has been installed.
Because project does not contain any resources the satellite assembly file was not created.
Borland/CodeGear Developer Studio (.NET) project
Are you sure that you want to remove unnecessary translations?
Exclude Property...
Exclude Property '%s.%s'...
Exclude property %s.%s
Remove Empty Translations
Remove unnecessary translations
No more untranslated rows found. Probably because of filter settings.
%d translations has been removed.
Translate using translation engines
%0:d translations saved to "%1:s" translation memory.
- Binary file such as Visual C++, Delphi or C++Builder application or library
- Single HTML, HTML Help, XML, XLIFF, or source code file
- All TXT, PO or QT files in a directory
- Single TXT, INI, PO, QT or Java file
"No Delphi resource string file (.drc) is specified. It is recommended to specify the resource string file.
This does not prevent localization of ""%s"" file but Sisulizer can't get the complete resource string context without the resource string file.
To create a .drc file choose Project|Options|Linker from Delphi, check Detailed in the Map file radio group, and rebuild the application."
"%0:s" is not a valid %1:s serial number!
Special filters on!
Make sure that your application takes embedded resources in use at runtime.
Your are using a pirate serial number!
Detect encoding each time
You have to add at least two text items or one context and one text item.
This translation engine does not contain data at the moment
Validation List
Validation Summary
Visual Basic User-defined control files
Visual Basic Form files
Visual Basic Property page files
File "%s" is invalid. This file is likely damaged, packed or compressed.
File "%s" may be encrypted. Sisulizer can not localize encrypted files.
Visual C++ binary file
%s component has no name. It is recommended to give a name using either Name, x:Name or x:Uid attribute.
You current localization tool is badly maintained and supported? Time for a switch to Sisulizer. You will be surprised how easy and cheap a switch can be.
Includes most of the features and supports most platforms.
Click Next to start uninstalling Sisulizer
Click Finish to complete Uninstall.
yoyo007 目前離線  
送花文章: 318, 收花文章: 331 篇, 收花: 1201 次
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主題 主題作者 討論區 回覆 最後發表
修改 - Sisulizer 1.5.6 & 1.5.7 & 1.5.8 企業版 yoyo007 軟體中文化討論區 6 2007-07-28 01:01 PM
修改 - Sisulizer 1.5.9 & 1.5.10 & 1.5.15 企業版 yoyo007 軟體中文化討論區 2 2007-07-07 02:30 AM
修改 - Sisulizer 1.1.27 企業版 yoyo007 軟體中文化討論區 4 2007-04-30 03:29 PM

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