2009-05-22, 11:26 AM | #1 |
感想 - 最近心情很差
家父也在兩年前過世,接二連三的打擊,媽媽難過到無法自己 也只能儘力安撫母親的情緒,還有和其餘的兄弟姊妹合力處理後事 從小吵到大,最後這樣 真的好痛 |
送花文章: 58,
有 24 位會員向 巨蟹座 送花:
a471 (2009-05-22),atie (2009-05-22),bearipf (2009-05-22),cara551977 (2009-05-22),dddd (2009-05-22),Dimo Chen (2009-05-22),f6617 (2009-05-25),fishiii (2009-05-23),iserland (2009-05-22),KL-iris (2009-05-25),Living (2009-05-22),money (2009-05-24),Phantom (2009-05-23),ppp0600 (2009-05-22),qdenise (2009-05-22),quasar (2009-05-22),rezard (2009-05-22),tom710509 (2009-05-22),Tracy (2009-05-23),uplander (2009-05-22),古里特 (2009-05-22),放下是真功夫 (2009-05-22),清風 (2009-05-23),管不住的風 (2009-05-25)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2009-05-22, 11:47 AM | #5 (permalink) |
__________________ 的歷流光小,飄颻弱翅輕。恐畏無人識,獨自暗中明。 [IMG][/IMG] |
送花文章: 127322,
有 15 位會員向 rezard 送花:
cara551977 (2009-05-22),dddd (2009-05-22),Dimo Chen (2009-05-22),iserland (2009-05-22),KL-iris (2009-05-25),Living (2009-05-22),ppp0600 (2009-05-22),qdenise (2009-05-22),quasar (2009-05-22),tom710509 (2009-05-22),Tracy (2009-05-23),uplander (2009-05-22),巨蟹座 (2009-05-22),放下是真功夫 (2009-05-22),清風 (2009-05-23)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2009-05-22, 11:47 AM | #6 (permalink) |
這也是我們所面對的世界 很難忍受,但無可奈何 先節哀 其實活的是最傷心 目前最重要的是好好安撫令堂 |
__________________ |
送花文章: 1110,
有 15 位會員向 猜謎人 送花:
cara551977 (2009-05-22),dddd (2009-05-22),Dimo Chen (2009-05-22),iserland (2009-05-22),KL-iris (2009-05-25),Living (2009-05-22),ppp0600 (2009-05-22),qdenise (2009-05-22),quasar (2009-05-22),rezard (2009-05-22),tom710509 (2009-05-22),Tracy (2009-05-23),巨蟹座 (2009-05-22),放下是真功夫 (2009-05-22),清風 (2009-05-23)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2009-05-22, 01:16 PM | #9 (permalink) |
在家父最後幾年尤其最後半年 幾乎天天守在他身旁 直到自己身體撐不下去 才打電話通知當兵的葛葛 其實老早被通知病危 只是我跟麻麻也不知哪來默契 打死不簽打死不承認 在外島當兵的葛葛也沒想到這刻就這麼來了 一切都親手照顧直到我們三人身體都支撐不了 尤其進入加護病房了 這才請人幫忙看顧 看著家人被插管 看著他受不了折磨自己拔管 看他插著鼻胃管無法自己進食 看他最後一刻心跳越來越慢 為何~只能看著什麼都無法做 -------------------------------------------------- 上回自己躲起來哭 我出車禍機車跟牛仔褲都嚴重破損 還是幫家裡去跑外務時受傷的 回到家~正忙 叫了幾聲 沒人理我 自己上樓梳洗 等到很晚麻麻看到丟在洗衣機上的褲子 拔拔看到機車龍頭歪歪 兩人才開始尋找我人在哪裡 我~自己上藥自己躲在房間 為了沒人關心哭泣 ------------------------------------------------------- 給很壞后~ 請劈了他 讓它實際體會一下那個FU吧 |
送花文章: 126689,
有 14 位會員向 cara551977 送花:
2009-05-22, 02:10 PM | #10 (permalink) | |
卡拉網友,我請教一下當時發生車禍有無報警,另外當時有無去醫院打破傷風,因為受傷還是去打破傷風比較好 另外請問請劈了他??是指誰呢?? |
送花文章: 56979,
2009-05-22, 03:17 PM | #11 (permalink) | |
小勛勛給你咬兩口 別哭別哭 至於那個誰誰誰的提問,千萬別回千萬別回 千年修行不易啊,善哉善哉... |
送花文章: 127322,
2009-05-22, 03:54 PM | #12 (permalink) | |||
「You've Got A Friend」
「You've Got A Friend」-「carole King,Celine,Gloria,Shania」
When you're down and troubled And you need some loving care And nothing, nothing is going right Close your eyes and think of me And soon I will be there To brighten up even your darkest night You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come running to see you again Winter, spring, summer or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there You've got a friend If the sky above you Grows dark and full of clouds And that old north wind begins to blow Keep your head together And call my name out loud Soon you'll hear me knocking at your door You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come running to see you Winter, spring, summer or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend When people can be so cold They'll hurt you, and desert you And take your soul if you let them Oh, but don't you let them You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come running to see you again Winter, spring, summer or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there You've got a friend |
送花文章: 52967,
2009-05-22, 04:19 PM | #14 (permalink) | ||
乖喔,給你..........秀秀,你沒來這邊哭訴一下,很多人就會去安慰你嚕 |
送花文章: 26733,
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