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舊 2009-12-15, 10:36 AM   #1
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註冊日期: 2002-12-23
文章: 8173
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預設 研究 - 放下與接受 - 淺論英文寫作

聆聽外語的節奏與發音,進而掌握該語言的特有腔調是很重要的,您要客觀地融入該主流社會的文化精華篇;而非那些以主觀意識來論述(這點自己是無法察覺的,要靠當地人來調教),比方說,本人當年剛到加拿大時,在入學前的一篇鑑別寫作能力的短文中,題目是很容易發揮的「第一夫人的角色」,文章是得了個40/40=100% (Content:10/10; Grammar:10/10; Spelling:10/10; Style:10/10)教授給的評語(Comments)為︰

- Good manipulation of grammar.
- Great use of transitions!
- Good paragraph structure.
- Good use of articles and capitals.
- You have presented a strong opinion - good work!

這些我都記憶猶新,可是,Erica 她說(德國裔的教授,加拿大的第三代)︰這雖然是寫的很好,但是語氣卻完全非本地的(意指是外國人的寫法);她說︰要多揣摩本地的字彙運用,因為在寫作的時候要讓人起共鳴,就非要用本地的敘述方式才行,這也就是所謂「入境隨俗」。她又說︰你可以將文章拿去讓其他人下評語(加拿大人),這是篇典型的東方型敘述。要儘快的轉換過來,這樣才能讓你被大家接受,否則,文章寫的再好,也是篇很外國化的非主流語文;就像很多的具英文背景的加拿大本地印度英文報紙所給人的強烈語氣似的,所以這點要絕對避免的,假如你想真正的適應本地環境乃至於有良好發展的話,這些一定要改正過來﹗

當時的我很不是滋味,後來才知道她的要求是對的,在往後寫作上,她就要我特別的注意到主流社會的媒體,如電視,廣播與報紙新聞等。當年僅24歲就跳級取得碩士學位的她(很漂亮,身材178公分,藍眼珠,很迷人﹗),對我有著不同於一般人的教授方法,因為我喜歡問,她就知道我的盲點在哪,所以她就特別喜歡出難題給我練習。她說︰加拿大的主流報紙 - 環球郵報 (Global and Mail) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/ 是她最為推薦的頂級英文學習主流報紙,聽力不妨借助 CNN 的電視報導(學習語言),加拿大的國家廣播公司 - CBS (學習聽力)也都是上選。就這樣才擺脫了她所點明的中式論述。

該文稿還在我的軟磁碟 floppy disk 中,我經常拿出來回味,現在貼上來獻醜︰

The Role of the First Lady

The position of the First Lady is very unique. She has to act in many roles to fulfill various challenges, so responsibility and patience are essential.

By definition, the First Lady is the most important person next to the president. She is not only the President's wife and her children's mother, but also an obvious role model to the public. Any action performed by her could deeply affect nature itself. A positive performance is critical.

Being a First Lady is a very difficult task in many ways. First of all, she has to deal with family chores, such as taking care of her kids' education and health.

Secondly, she has to work with her husband and coordinate the President's schedule with almost every important event. Her considerate support is essential. She has to backup the President's decision to gain the whole nation's recognition.

Finally, she has to keep herself as wise as possible because any unwise and inapproapriate conversation may damage her husband's reputation.

Nevertheless, the First Lady should make every effort to associate with every issue in the country. Since the First Lady is assuming fantastic responsibilities, her full support is absolutely necessary.

Thanks for those wingless Angeles.


The role of the First Lady is an ever changing position that is constantly redefined by each woman who holds the title. As a result, it is difficult to determine if the First Lady is expected to perform certain duties and behave in a particular way. Despite this uncertainty, it is widely assumed that the role of the First Lady should be a combination of domestic duties and political responsibilities. As the wife of the President, the First Lady is expected to be a gracious hostess, as well as a dominant political figure. Above all, the First Lady needs to be an advocate for important social issues.

The First Lady should have the authority to decide on policy, and to make her own contributions to the country. For instance, Hillary Clinton embraced the role of a political and social advocate when she took it upon herself to reorganize the American health care system. In order to be successful advocate, as well as an advisor to her husband, the First Lady needs to be highly educated, naturally intelligent, and well spoken. Without these qualities, the First Lady cannot deliver the speeches and political campaigns that will ensure that her point of views is heard and respected by the American people. In short, the First Lady needs to an intelligent, personable, and flexible individual who is capable of balancing political and domestic responsibilities.


此帖於 2010-03-13 07:28 AM 被 grc45 編輯. 原因: 增添原文前、後之各自論述與參考比較。
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舊 2009-12-15, 11:11 AM   #2 (permalink)
UID - 10501
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關於 unique的用法,加very是否正確?

The word unique is related to a whole class of words derived from the Latin word for one, (unus) for example: uniform, unilateral, and unicorn.

Soldiers tend to look alike when they are in uniform.
Among allied states, a unilateral action is one taken by one member or “side” only. (Latin latus = side)
A unicorn has one horn. (Latin cornus = horn of an animal)

The word unique has the meaning “one of a kind.” It is a useful word and the widespread misuse of it tends to dissipate its usefulness.

Listen to any talk show and you will hear people say that something or other is “very unique,” or “rather unique,” or “somewhat unique.”

Such usage corresponds to saying that a woman is “somewhat pregnant.”

With unique (as with pregnancy) there is no middle ground.

If something is unique, that’s it. To precede the word with an intensifier like “very” or a comparative like “less” or “more,” defeats the purpose.

That is not to say that one mustn’t ever use a word to modify unique.

One CAN say that a thing is:

nearly unique
really unique
perhaps unique
in some respects unique
but never ever “very unique.”

TIP: Preserve the unique usefulness of the word unique by thinking twice before putting a modifier in front of it.

barrielee 目前離線  
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舊 2009-12-15, 12:02 PM   #3 (permalink)
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註冊日期: 2002-12-23
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現金: 1755101 金幣
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very 是形容詞,unique是名詞也是形容詞,當時在下筆時就有掙扎過,但是從BBC英語廣播中(在台時定時收聽的短波最愛英語廣播),就曾說過,這個辭的用法 still controversial, 這是一種無奈,就像美國英語被傳統英國英語所駁斥的許多語法的例子一樣,現今仍各說各話,所以各英語國就演變出自己的一套語法。事實上 Very special 與 very unique 就有異曲同工之妙,曾與教授們爭論過前述例子之正誤,但他們說 Both are right!

Adjective: A word that is used to describe or modify a person, place, or thing(noun). In a sentence, an adjective usually comes before a noun.
grc45 目前離線  
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有 14 位會員向 grc45 送花:
atie (2009-12-16),ericssa321 (2011-07-08),KL-iris (2009-12-21),Living (2009-12-15),LKKK (2009-12-15),ppp0600 (2009-12-15),qdenise (2009-12-15),quasar (2009-12-15),Tamadbee (2009-12-15),tissotkc (2009-12-16),uplander (2009-12-15),yayaya (2009-12-15),放下是真功夫 (2009-12-15),沙崗人OO (2009-12-15)
舊 2009-12-15, 12:17 PM   #4 (permalink)
grc45 的頭像
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註冊日期: 2002-12-23
文章: 8173
現金: 1755101 金幣
資產: 1792088 金幣

感謝 Barrie 大的介入探討,好眼力﹗

我相信還有值得探討的地方,有請大大們齊來參與 ~
grc45 目前離線  
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有 14 位會員向 grc45 送花:
atie (2009-12-16),ericssa321 (2011-07-08),KL-iris (2009-12-21),Living (2009-12-15),LKKK (2009-12-15),ppp0600 (2009-12-15),qdenise (2009-12-15),quasar (2009-12-15),Tamadbee (2009-12-15),tissotkc (2009-12-16),uplander (2009-12-15),yayaya (2009-12-15),放下是真功夫 (2009-12-15),沙崗人OO (2009-12-15)
舊 2009-12-15, 12:31 PM   #5 (permalink)
UID - 10501
在線等級: 級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時級別:70 | 在線時長:5278小時 | 升級還需:47小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-12
住址: 台北
文章: 5090
精華: 0
現金: 11467 金幣
資產: 22177 金幣

作者: grc45 查看文章


very 是形容詞,unique是名詞也是形容詞,當時在下筆時就有掙扎過,但是從BBC英語廣播中(在台時定時收聽的短波最愛英語廣播),就曾說過,這個辭的用法 still controversial, 這是一種無奈,就像美國英語被傳統英國英語所駁斥的許多語法的例子一樣,現今仍各說各話,所以各英語國就演變出自己的一套語法。事實上 Very special 與 very unique 就有異曲同工之妙,曾與教授們爭論過前述例子之正誤,但他們說 Both are right!

Adjective: A word that is used to describe or modify a person, place, or thing(noun). In a sentence, an adjective usually comes before a noun.





如very unique,打"you're very unique",google會出現幾十萬筆資料,啊~原來不少人也這樣用,若果google出現的筆數很少很少,表示你打上去的語法錯誤的機會很大(記得要加上符號" "),注意多人用並不表示一定對,多個安心而已

barrielee 目前離線  
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有 14 位會員向 barrielee 送花:
atie (2009-12-16),ericssa321 (2011-07-08),grc45 (2009-12-15),KL-iris (2009-12-21),Living (2009-12-15),LKKK (2009-12-15),ppp0600 (2009-12-15),qdenise (2009-12-15),quasar (2009-12-15),Tamadbee (2009-12-15),uplander (2009-12-15),yayaya (2009-12-15),放下是真功夫 (2009-12-15),沙崗人OO (2009-12-15)
舊 2009-12-15, 12:40 PM   #6 (permalink)
grc45 的頭像
UID - 16409
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註冊日期: 2002-12-23
文章: 8173
現金: 1755101 金幣
資產: 1792088 金幣

這是剛搜索到,從 500 Words on Words 有關於 絕對化之字辭的討論,Barrie 兄的指教可說是相當的正確,在下文中即可證明他是對的,但是請看那些 highlight 的說明,也可見到語文演化的無奈與現實,該結論的藍色部份,力倡在正式寫作時要盡量避免,這是我當年的困惑之處。


Absolutes: Some Very Unique Words
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Can something be more than perfect? A little bit perfect? Or, if something’s one of a kind, can it be more one of a kind?

If you’re taking these ideas literally, the answer is no. Perfect, by definition, means there’s nothing better to be had. It’s as good as it can possibly be.

Perfect is what’s known as an absolute. Perfect is perfect; it doesn’t come in degrees of perfectness.

But what gets tricky, is that in everyday speech, absolutes like perfect get modified all the time. So, you may ask, is it ok to say “more perfect?”

First, what’s an absolute?
Absolutes are words that have a very specific black-and-white meaning.

Think of it this way: when you describe something as disgusting, it can vary by degrees. That milk that’s beginning to turn sour is a little disgusting. The fish your colleague is reheating in the microwave is more disgusting. The dish of sour cream that rolled out of the grocery bag in your trunk last week is extremely disgusting.

But with absolutes, it either is or it isn’t. Think of it like the word dead. No one’s more dead, less dead or marginally dead. They’re dead, or they’re alive. Two choices. It’s the same with other absolutes, which include:

As another example, think about irrevocable. It means that something’s final, unable to be changed. So by definition, something can’t be just a little irrevocable, or more irrevocable, or it wouldn’t be irrevocable at all.

(Wow. I had a little semantic satiation incident with irrevocable.)

So what’s the issue?
The question arises when in popular speech, we say things like “He’s got a very unique personality.” Or “Each dessert is more perfect than the one before!”

The argument is that these words are absolutes, so you’re not making any sense by modifying them with very or with comparatives like more. Unique means one of a kind, without peer. So technically, nothing can be more unique or the most unique – it’s simply unique or it’s not.

Saying your dog’s habits are more unique than your cat’s is like saying great-aunt Margie is deader than great-uncle Horace.

So … can I say “more unique” or not?
Here’s my take on it. Don’t modify absolutes in academic or formal writing. It’ll help polish your writing and speech by showing you know the literal meanings of these words. No one can fault you for not modifying an absolute.

Plus, there are some easy workarounds. Just take a moment to think about what you really want to say. Instead of a vague “more unique,” choose a more specific word. Maybe it’s more peculiar. Or more awe-inspiring.

Even in everyday speech, I’d recommend avoiding saying that that movie was “soooo perfect!”

Why? Well, because words are only useful to us if we all agree on their meanings. And using words like perfect or unique – the two worst offenders – in this way waters down their meaning. The words don’t have the impact they should if we’re battering them with unnecessary modifiers.

However …
While I recommend avoiding modifying absolutes, I must admit that this is a natural part of the evolution of language. If everyone does it often enough, the meanings of the words change or broaden to show how we use them. I am a fan of descriptive linguistics, after all.

The bottom line is just to be aware of absolutes, however you decide to use them, and know that especially in academic and formal writing, modifying them is generally frowned upon.
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舊 2009-12-15, 12:55 PM   #7 (permalink)
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註冊日期: 2002-12-23
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11 Rules of Grammar Here are 11 rules of grammar to help you reach more bravely into the scary world of sentence construction and accurate communication.

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Active Voice: The Most Important of the 11 Rules of GrammarEvery human language starts an active sentence with the subject, or the "doer." In English, the verb (what's being done) follows the subject. If there is an object (the receiver of the action), it comes after the verb. The formula looks like this: S+V+O. This rule is the foundation of the English language.

Here are some examples:

Mary walked the dog.

The dog liked Mary.

I did not like the dog.

SubjectivitySometimes you want to link two ideas with a second S+V+O combination. When you do, you need a coordinating conjunction. The new formula looks like this: S+V+O, COORDINATING CONJUNCTION+S+V+O.

Coordinating conjunctions are easy to remember with an acronymic mnemonic device:


Coordinating CommaFANBOYS are used when connecting two ideas as one in a single sentence, but don't forget the comma.

For example:

I do not walk Mary's dog, nor do I wash him.

Mary fed her dog, and I drank tea.

Mary feeds and walks her dog every day, but the dog is still hyperactive.

The Serial CommaThe serial or Oxford comma is the most controversial of these 11 rules of grammar. Some want to eliminate it altogether while others just don't know how to use it. The serial comma is the last comma in a list, usually appearing before "and." The serial comma comes after "dog" in this sentence:

Pets R Us has lizards, dogs, and birds.

Commas separate units in a list. In the above case, each unit only has one part, so it's easy. Where people get confused is when the units are bigger, but the rule still applies:

Pets R Us has lizards and frogs, dogs and cats, and parakeets and macaws.

Notice that the serial comma comes before "and" but not the last "and" in the sentence. The "and" that follows the comma is only there because it sounds better. Grammatically, "and" is irrelevant. Only units matter.

The SemicolonA list of grammar rules has to include the scariest of punctuation marks. It might look funny, but don't be afraid of the semicolon; it's the easiest thing in the world to use! Say you want to connect two ideas but can't figure out or can't be bothered to use a coordinating conjunction. The two ideas can be separate sentences, but you think that they are so closely connected; they really should be one. Use a semicolon.

Mary's dog is hyperactive; it won't stop barking or sit still.

My heart is like a cup of Lapsang Souchong tea; it's bitter and smoky.

Mary has to walk her dog every day; it is the most hyperactive dog anyone has ever seen.

Simple and EasyThe simple present is the tense you use for any habitual action. The things you always do or do every Tuesday are described with the simple present, which just means you pick the first form of any verb.

Mary likes dogs.

I don't walk Mary's dog.

Mary and I drink tea every Tuesday together.

Progressive for NowThe present progressive tense is for anything that is happening right now. All of the progressive tenses are easy to spot because their verbs always end with "-ing" and get a helping verb. A helping verb is just so we know who and when we're talking about. In the present progressive, the helping verbs are the present tense conjugations of "to be."

I am drinking Lapsang Souchong tea.

The barking dogs outside are driving me crazy.

Mary is playing with her hyperactive dog.

The Simple PastWhen we talk about the past, we have to add an "-ed" to regular verbs to make the second form. Irregular verbs are tricky and have their own sets of rules. Drink, for example, turns to "drank." Most of the time, though, "-ed" will do.

I drank a lot of Lapsang Souchong tea yesterday, but Mary didn't.

The dogs stopped barking two seconds ago, and I am feeling better.

Mary played fetch with her hyperactive dog.

Perfect TimingPractice makes perfect with the perfect tenses. Here are three rules to finish the 11 rules of grammar. If you remember these, you'll be well on your way to perfection.

Present Perfect

The present perfect can be confusing for some, but it is one of the most important rules of grammar. When people talk about things that have already happened but consider the time in which they occurred to be unfinished, they use the third form of the verb with a helping verb. The helping verb for the present perfect is the present tense conjugation of "to have."

I have drunk three cups of Lapsang Souchong tea today.

Mary's hyperactive cur dog has bitten me three times so far.

Mary has walked her hyperactive poodle 100 times this week.

Unfortunately, the only way to know the third forms of verbs is to remember them.

Present Perfect Progressive

When the action as well as the time is considered unfinished, the verb loads up on third form helping verbs ("to be" and "to have") and changes to the progressive form.

Western countries have been waging wars in the Middle East for thousands of years.

I have been drinking tea all day.

Mary's dog has been barking like crazy since it was born.

Past Perfect

When two things happen in the past, we have to mark which one happened first. The one that happened first changes to third form and gets the helping verb, "had."

By the time I drank one cup of Lapsang Souchong, Mary's dog had barked a million times.

I had not yet eaten breakfast when Mary walked her dog.

Mary couldn't stop laughing; her dog had bitten me again.
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感謝 Barrie 大的介入探討,好眼力﹗

我相信還有值得探討的地方,有請大大們齊來參與 ~




美國人認為這是極差的表達方式,寫作應該是簡潔,不要害怕用simple sentense




此帖於 2009-12-15 01:27 PM 被 barrielee 編輯.
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greedy for what?自己加上去
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舊 2009-12-15, 01:33 PM   #10 (permalink)
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美國人認為這是極差的表達方式,寫作應該是簡潔,不要害怕用simple sentense






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舊 2009-12-15, 03:22 PM   #11 (permalink)
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美國人喜歡舉例,如果是我的構想,會舉些例子如~老布希的太太Barbra像祖母型,Cilton的太太Hilary女強人型,現任第一夫人米雪兒..各有不同風格,因此,文章的結論是"The role of the first lady is to be her own master"做自己的主人無需被任何相夫教子的枷鎖框著(不止語法,這是美國老師的指導要學習美國人的思維寫出來的東西就比較不像中式英文)

此帖於 2009-12-15 04:33 PM 被 barrielee 編輯.
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舊 2009-12-15, 06:13 PM   #12 (permalink)
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very 是形容詞,unique是名詞也是形容詞,當時在下筆時就有掙扎過,但是從BBC英語廣播中(在台時定時收聽的短波最愛英語廣播),就曾說過,這個辭的用法 still controversial, 這是一種無奈,就像美國英語被傳統英國英語所駁斥的許多語法的例子一樣,現今仍各說各話,所以各英語國就演變出自己的一套語法。事實上 Very special 與 very unique 就有異曲同工之妙,曾與教授們爭論過前述例子之正誤,但他們說 Both are right!

Adjective: A word that is used to describe or modify a person, place, or thing(noun). In a sentence, an adjective usually comes before a noun.

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舊 2009-12-15, 08:03 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Adverb: A word that is used to describe action word (verb). An adverb provides more information about when, how, and where something happened. In a sentence, an adverb usually comes after a verb.

上述綠色部份,證明這與正統文法有別;因為它被定義的很嚴謹;形容詞用在名詞之前;副辭通常被用在動詞之後, such as he can walk(verb) quickly(adverb)。
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舊 2009-12-15, 08:22 PM   #14 (permalink)
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美國人喜歡舉例,如果是我的構想,會舉些例子如~老布希的太太Barbra像祖母型,Cilton的太太Hilary女強人型,現任第一夫人米雪兒..各有不同風格,因此,文章的結論是"The role of the first lady is to be her own master"做自己的主人無需被任何相夫教子的枷鎖框著(不止語法,這是美國老師的指導要學習美國人的思維寫出來的東西就比較不像中式英文)

For an article, the better is using a neutual statement, unless it is a comparative resulting, and there was no room for this purpose at the moment.
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舊 2009-12-15, 09:25 PM   #15 (permalink)
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