2009-12-15, 10:36 AM | |
研究 - 放下與接受 - 淺論英文寫作
聆聽外語的節奏與發音,進而掌握該語言的特有腔調是很重要的,您要客觀地融入該主流社會的文化精華篇;而非那些以主觀意識來論述(這點自己是無法察覺的,要靠當地人來調教),比方說,本人當年剛到加拿大時,在入學前的一篇鑑別寫作能力的短文中,題目是很容易發揮的「第一夫人的角色」,文章是得了個40/40=100% (Content:10/10; Grammar:10/10; Spelling:10/10; Style:10/10)教授給的評語(Comments)為︰
- Good manipulation of grammar. - Great use of transitions! - Good paragraph structure. - Good use of articles and capitals. - You have presented a strong opinion - good work! 這些我都記憶猶新,可是,Erica 她說(德國裔的教授,加拿大的第三代)︰這雖然是寫的很好,但是語氣卻完全非本地的(意指是外國人的寫法);她說︰要多揣摩本地的字彙運用,因為在寫作的時候要讓人起共鳴,就非要用本地的敘述方式才行,這也就是所謂「入境隨俗」。她又說︰你可以將文章拿去讓其他人下評語(加拿大人),這是篇典型的東方型敘述。要儘快的轉換過來,這樣才能讓你被大家接受,否則,文章寫的再好,也是篇很外國化的非主流語文;就像很多的具英文背景的加拿大本地印度英文報紙所給人的強烈語氣似的,所以這點要絕對避免的,假如你想真正的適應本地環境乃至於有良好發展的話,這些一定要改正過來﹗ 當時的我很不是滋味,後來才知道她的要求是對的,在往後寫作上,她就要我特別的注意到主流社會的媒體,如電視,廣播與報紙新聞等。當年僅24歲就跳級取得碩士學位的她(很漂亮,身材178公分,藍眼珠,很迷人﹗),對我有著不同於一般人的教授方法,因為我喜歡問,她就知道我的盲點在哪,所以她就特別喜歡出難題給我練習。她說︰加拿大的主流報紙 - 環球郵報 (Global and Mail) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/ 是她最為推薦的頂級英文學習主流報紙,聽力不妨借助 CNN 的電視報導(學習語言),加拿大的國家廣播公司 - CBS (學習聽力)也都是上選。就這樣才擺脫了她所點明的中式論述。 該文稿還在我的軟磁碟 floppy disk 中,我經常拿出來回味,現在貼上來獻醜︰ The Role of the First Lady The position of the First Lady is very unique. She has to act in many roles to fulfill various challenges, so responsibility and patience are essential. By definition, the First Lady is the most important person next to the president. She is not only the President's wife and her children's mother, but also an obvious role model to the public. Any action performed by her could deeply affect nature itself. A positive performance is critical. Being a First Lady is a very difficult task in many ways. First of all, she has to deal with family chores, such as taking care of her kids' education and health. Secondly, she has to work with her husband and coordinate the President's schedule with almost every important event. Her considerate support is essential. She has to backup the President's decision to gain the whole nation's recognition. Finally, she has to keep herself as wise as possible because any unwise and inapproapriate conversation may damage her husband's reputation. Nevertheless, the First Lady should make every effort to associate with every issue in the country. Since the First Lady is assuming fantastic responsibilities, her full support is absolutely necessary. Thanks for those wingless Angeles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 時隔20年後的原題重新改寫 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The role of the First Lady is an ever changing position that is constantly redefined by each woman who holds the title. As a result, it is difficult to determine if the First Lady is expected to perform certain duties and behave in a particular way. Despite this uncertainty, it is widely assumed that the role of the First Lady should be a combination of domestic duties and political responsibilities. As the wife of the President, the First Lady is expected to be a gracious hostess, as well as a dominant political figure. Above all, the First Lady needs to be an advocate for important social issues. The First Lady should have the authority to decide on policy, and to make her own contributions to the country. For instance, Hillary Clinton embraced the role of a political and social advocate when she took it upon herself to reorganize the American health care system. In order to be successful advocate, as well as an advisor to her husband, the First Lady needs to be highly educated, naturally intelligent, and well spoken. Without these qualities, the First Lady cannot deliver the speeches and political campaigns that will ensure that her point of views is heard and respected by the American people. In short, the First Lady needs to an intelligent, personable, and flexible individual who is capable of balancing political and domestic responsibilities. . 此帖於 2010-03-13 07:28 AM 被 grc45 編輯. 原因: 增添原文前、後之各自論述與參考比較。 |
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2012-01-15, 07:01 PM | #46 (permalink) |
Creating your comfort zone creating your comfortable zone 以上這兩個句中的單字(標註紅色),有查過都是舒適的意思 但,之前老師教的都是comfortable這個單字 印象中是沒有教過comfort這個單字 在前天的時候,有看到一個紙箱外印刷著creating your comfort zone 所以,想要請教一下,用comfort zone來形容(舒適區)、 與用comfortable zone來形容(舒適區)都是可以的嗎? 又或者,兩者有什麼不同的差異點? 感恩... |
__________________ ﹒☆°﹒☆.﹒☆°﹒☆.﹒☆° °﹒☆°.﹒‧°∴°﹒°.﹒‧°∴°.﹒‧°∴°﹒☆...... ☆ 許好願 做好事 轉好運 一個願無量善緣;菩提心永不褪變 心中常存善解、包容、感恩、知福、惜福 |
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2012-01-15, 08:34 PM | #47 (permalink) | |
comfort 是名詞;comfortable 是形容詞。在書寫時盡量的保持名詞的一致性(consistence),比方說,如您提到的在紙箱上印刷的 creating your comfort zone(名詞+名詞) 就是典型的例子。 再者,一個只是安於現狀的人,若想取得更高的成就,那麼他(她)就要走出舒適區,step out of the comfort zone;此一出現在印刷品上的慣用語法,就不能以 step out of the comfortable zone 來書寫。最明顯的就如招牌、標語、告示牌等就是要以前述的名詞一致性的方式來表述。我在版上以前有提過,請參閱 http://forum.slime.com.tw/thread265969.html#post2279703 的第四樓﹗ . 此帖於 2012-01-31 11:31 PM 被 grc45 編輯. |
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2012-01-25, 09:33 AM | #49 (permalink) |
The Three Little Pigs It was an extremely cold winter. There was nothing to eat. The weather became very unstable. My body felt very weak, because I was always starving. I wished that I could become a plant-eating animal in the jungle, so I could feed myself whenever I was hungry. Spring arrived silently in a surrounding rush of colours. After going a long time without eating, I felt like I was dying. I experienced dizziness, hypoglycaemia, and almost became unconscious. To stop my hunger, I drank some water from a pond. From my reflection in the pond, I found that my face had become very skinny, like the American singer, Frank Sinatra. I couldn't believe my eyes! Usually I had a very pump face, like Elvis Presley. My God! I needed to eat somthing right away. A delicious pork chop would be ideal. I raised my nose as high as possible, just like a radar antenna. I tried very hard to pick up the scent of animal, but my efforts were in vain. I eventually roared at a tree and, finally, I smelt somthing special. According to the data bank in my mind, the scent belonged to the most fresh and tender pork. This pig was of the best quality. It was clean and healthy, and met the picky standard of my stomach. I opened my eyes wide and tried to determine where the smell was coming from. Finally, I locked my target on to a secret place, which had been perfectly camouflaged. The delicious meal would be present soon. My mouth filled with water, like Niagara Falls. If there had been a fire, I could have used my mouth water to extinguish it. At that moment, I began to creep, like a sneaky killer, towards the residence of the little pigs... 昔日師評︰她很欣賞首段的介紹(特別是比較式的對比寫法)。 - I really enjoyed this introduction! (Especially the comparisons that you used.) . 此帖於 2012-01-29 07:03 AM 被 grc45 編輯. |
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